Anybody else having a really hard time this year getting into the Christmas spirit?
I don't know what it is. I've kind of found that I'm an every other year holiday person, and this is my off year. When I think back to this time last year, I was so, so, so excited for the holidays. My apartment was already decked out in decorations and my 8 foot tree was already set up (thanks Caitlin!). This year though I just can't seem to get into it.
I imagine part of it is because I've been sick for the past.. well, since Thanksgiving actually. It's come and gone and come again, leaving me utterly exhausted with little energy to do too much besides sleep. I think the other part of it is that I'm back home. And while that should be enough to put me in the holiday spirit alone, I can't help but really miss decorating my own place and having my own tree.
Let's not even start talking about shopping either. I'm hoping to do it all online this year as entering the stores or the mall just leaves me shuttering. I made the mistake of going to Target the Sunday after Thanksgiving, not even realizing what I was doing and that was just enough of a taste to make to turn my head in disgust. Oh, the people. There were so many of them. I felt like I was the last sardine squished into the can.
I also can't help but feel if it was just a little bit warmer, I'd have an easier time putting on my spirit outfit.
On the upside though, I do get to play the Christmas Elf at work in a couple weeks. I look forward to this one day all year when I finally get to put on my red and green tights and walk around with my sleigh bells jingling. Santa comes in from the North Pole and together we go around and greet children in the store and hand out candy canes. It's terribly exciting, if not for the kids, for myself.
Maybe I should just start wearing the elf costume now seeing as how it seems to bring the spirit along with it. What do you think? What are some things you do to get in the spirit?
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